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Pippa Helps Hope Get Adopted!

Hope's forever family had JUST fallen in love with Pippa and applied to adopt her when they learned that her foster family had decided to keep her. Initially crestfallen, they decided to keep an open heart and mind when we told them we had a similar dog in our program with the same mellow temperament and potential therapy dog traits. Though truth be told they looked very different :-)
We brought Hope to meet them the next day and lucky for all parties involved, it was an instant love connection. We were thrilled for Hope in that moment, seeing her so happy and cozy with them, and remembering back to the day when we met her at the shelter where she had literally sat sad and broken, a bag of skin and bones, alone in her cell. Apparently, Hope had been living at a construction site for months, with the workers feeding her during the day when they were there. Once the job was over, one of the guys brought her to the shelter for fear that she would not make it without their care. The staff and volunteers at SLA just melted for her, and called us to say that she was one of the sweetest pit bull type dogs they had ever met, and that all she wanted to do was sit next to someone.
At the time, we had no foster homes open and were stretched to our max, but we took one look at her intake photo and knew there was something in her eyes we just couldn't say no to… So Hope went to our vet's office for a couple days of boarding until miraculously a foster family stepped up (after being cornered by one of our volunteers at a holiday party- ha!) The thing is, she was barely with them a month before this family came to us regarding Pippa, and somehow, because sometimes things really do have a way of working out, Hope found an amazing fur-ever home with them. Hope is now a sister to a 17 year old Pomeranian who gets to take daily walks on the sandy beaches of San Clemente, California!